{{-- Extends layout --}} @extends('layout.default') @section('styles') @endsection {{-- Content --}} @section('css') @endsection @section('content')
![]() |
সরকারী কর্মচারীর চাকুরি সংক্রান্ত তথ্যাদি (কর্মচারী কর্তৃক পুরনীয়) |
![]() |
{{ $employee->name }} |
@if(isset($employee->rank) && (int)$employee->rank > 0) {{ $function->rank()[(int)$employee->rank]['name_bn'] }} ({{ $function->rank()[(int)$employee->rank]['name_en'] }}) @endif |
{{ $employee->nid }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($employee->dob)->format('d F, Y') }} |
{{$function->type_of_entry_of_govt_service()[(int)$employee->toegs][0]}} ({{$function->type_of_entry_of_govt_service()[(int)$employee->toegs][1]}}) |
@if(isset($employee->quota) && (int)$employee->quota > 0){{$function->qoutas()[(int)$employee->quota]['name_bn']}} ({{$function->qoutas()[(int)$employee->quota]['name_en']}})@endif |
{{ $function->gender()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->gender][0] }} ( {{ $function->gender()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->gender][1] }}) |
{{ $employee->employee_personal_info->fname }} |
{{ $employee->employee_personal_info->mname }} |
{{$function->religion()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->region][0] }} ({{$function->religion()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->region][1] }}) |
{{$function->marital_status()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->marital_status][0] }}({{$function->marital_status()[(int)$employee->employee_personal_info->marital_status][1] }}) |
{{ $employee->employee_personal_info->mobile_phone }} |
{{ $employee->employee_personal_info->emergency_phone }} |
{{ $employee->user->email }} |
{{ $employee->employee_personal_info->tin }} |
{{ $employee->employee_present_address->village_or_house_road }} |
{{ $employee->employee_present_address->post_office }} |
@if(isset($employee->employee_present_address->thana_id)){{ $function->thanas()[(int)$employee->employee_present_address->thana_id]['name_bn'] }} ({{$function->thanas()[(int)$employee->employee_present_address->thana_id]['name_en']}}) @endif |
{{ $employee->employee_present_address->district_id ? $function->districts()[$employee->employee_present_address->district_id]['name_bn'].'('.$function->districts()[$employee->employee_present_address->district_id]['name_en'].')':'' }} |
{{ $employee->employee_present_address->contact }} |
{{ $employee->employee_permanent_address->village_or_house_road }} |
{{ $employee->employee_permanent_address->post_office }} |
{{ $employee->employee_permanent_address->thana_id ? $function->thanas()[$employee->employee_permanent_address->thana_id]['name_bn'].'('.$function->thanas()[$employee->employee_permanent_address->thana_id]['name_en'].')':'' }} |
{{ $employee->employee_permanent_address->district_id ? $function->districts()[$employee->employee_permanent_address->district_id]['name_bn'].'('.$function->districts()[$employee->employee_permanent_address->district_id]['name_en'].')':'' }} |
{{ $employee->employee_permanent_address->contact }} |
নং.(No.) | ভাষা ( Language ) | লেখা (Read) | পড়া (Write) | কথা বলতে পারা ( Speak ) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | {{ $function->language()[(int)$emp_lang->name]['name_bn']}}({{ $function->language()[(int)$emp_lang->name]['name_en']}}) | @if ($emp_lang->write > 0) Yes @else No @endif | @if ($emp_lang->read > 0) Yes @else No @endif | @if ($emp_lang->speak > 0) Yes @else No @endif |
নং.(No.) | প্রতিষ্ঠানের নাম (Name of Institution) | প্রধান বিষয় (Principal Subject)/গ্রুপ (Group) | ডিগ্রি (Degree) | পাসের সাল (Passing Year) | ফলাফল (Result) | জিপিএ / সিজিপিএ (GPA/CGPA) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | @if ($emp_qualification->institute != null) {{ $emp_qualification->institute }} @else N/A @endif | @if (isset($emp_qualification->edu_type) && (int)$emp_qualification->edu_type < 3) {{$emp_qualification->group ? $function->education_group()[(int)$emp_qualification->group][0].'('.$function->education_group()[(int)$emp_qualification->group][1].')' : ''}} @else {{ $emp_qualification->subject }} @endif | {{ $emp_qualification->degree }} | @if ($emp_qualification->passing_year != null) {{ $emp_qualification->passing_year }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->result != null) {{ $emp_qualification->result }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->gpa != null) {{ $emp_qualification->gpa }} @else N/A @endif |
নং.(No.) | কোর্সের শিরোনাম (Course Title) | প্রতিষ্ঠান (Institution) | শুরুর সময় (Start Date) | শেষ হবার সময় (End Date) | গ্রেড (Grade) | অবস্থান (Position) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | @if ($emp_qualification->course_title != null) {{ $emp_qualification->course_title }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->institution != null) {{ $emp_qualification->institution }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->from != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_qualification->from)->format('d F, Y') }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->to != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_qualification->to)->format('d F, Y') }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->grade != null) {{ $emp_qualification->grade }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->position != null) {{ $emp_qualification->position }} @else N/A @endif |
নং.(No.) | ভ্রমণের ধরণ (Type of travel) | শিরোনাম (Course Title) | প্রতিষ্ঠান (Institution) | দেশ (Country) | শুরুর সময় (Start Date) | শেষ হবার সময় (End Date) | মঞ্জুরি নম্বর (Sanction Number) [optional] | মঞ্জুরি তারিখ (Sanction Date) [optional] | গ্রেড (Grade) | অবস্থান (Position) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | {{$emp_qualification->travel_type ? $function->travel_types()[$emp_qualification->travel_type][0].'('.$function->travel_types()[$emp_qualification->travel_type][1].')':'N/A'}} | {{$emp_qualification->course_title}} | @if ($emp_qualification->institution != null) {{ $emp_qualification->institution }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->country != null) {{ $emp_qualification->country }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->from != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_qualification->from)->format('d F, Y') }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->to != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_qualification->to)->format('d F, Y') }} @else N/A @endif | {{$emp_qualification->sanction_number ? $emp_qualification->sanction_number : 'N/A'}} | {{$emp_qualification->sanction_date ? $emp_qualification->sanction_date : 'N/A'}} | @if ($emp_qualification->grade != null) {{ $emp_qualification->grade }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_qualification->position != null) {{ $emp_qualification->position }} @else N/A @endif |
নং.(No.) | যোগ্যতা (Qualification) | গুণমান (Rating scale out of 10) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | {{$emp_posingabroad->name ? $emp_posingabroad->name : 'N/A'}} | {{$emp_posingabroad->rate ? $emp_posingabroad->rate : 'N/A'}} |
নং. (No.) |
প্রকাশনার ধরণ (Publication type) |
শিরোনাম (Title) |
বর্ণনা (Description) |
তারিখ (Date) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
{{ $emp_publication->type ? $function->publication_name()[(int)$emp_publication->type][0].'('.$function->publication_name()[(int)$emp_publication->type][0].')':'N/A' }} |
{{ $emp_publication->title ? $emp_publication->title : 'N/A' }} |
{{ $emp_publication->description ? $emp_publication->description : 'N/A' }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_publication->date)->format('d F, Y') }} |
নং. (No.) |
পুরস্কারের নাম (Title of Award) |
পটভূমি (Ground) |
তারিখ (Date) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
{{ $emp_hounourrewards->title }} |
{{ $emp_hounourrewards->ground }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_hounourrewards->time)->format('d F, Y') }} |
নং. (No.) |
প্রতিষ্ঠান (Institute) |
ঠিকানা (Address) |
পেশার ধরন (Type of Service) |
পদ (Position) |
শুরুর তারিখ (Start Date) |
শেষ হবার তারিখ (End Date) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
{{ $emp_otherservice->name }} |
{{ $emp_otherservice->address }} |
{{ $emp_otherservice->type_of_service }} |
{{ $emp_otherservice->position }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_otherservice->from)->format('d F, Y') }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_otherservice->to)->format('d F, Y') }} |
নং. (No.) |
নাম (বাংলা) [ Name (Bangla) ] |
নাম (ইংরেজি) [ Name (English) ] |
জাতিয় পরিচয়পত্র (National ID Number) |
জন্মতারিখ (Date of Birth) |
পেশা [ Occupation ] |
পদ [ Designation ] |
প্রতিষ্ঠান [ Organisation ] |
জেলা [DISTRICT] |
ঠিকানা [ Location ] |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
{{ $fminfo->name_bangla }} |
{{ $fminfo->name_eng }} |
{{ $fminfo->nid }} |
{{ $fminfo->birthday ? \Carbon\Carbon::parse($fminfo->birthday)->format('d F,Y') :'N/A'}} |
{{ $fminfo->occupation ? $fminfo->occupation:'N/A' }} |
{{ $fminfo->designation ? $fminfo->designation:'N/A' }} |
{{ $fminfo->organisation ? $fminfo->organisation : 'N/A' }} |
{{ $fminfo->district_id ? $function->districts()[$fminfo->district_id]['name_bn'].'('.$function->districts()[$fminfo->district_id]['name_en'].')':'N/A' }} |
{{ $fminfo->thana_id ? $function->thanas()[$fminfo->thana_id]['name_bn'].'('.$function->thanas()[$fminfo->thana_id]['name_en'].')':'N/A' }} |
{{ $fminfo->location ? $fminfo->location:'N/A'}} |
নং. (No.) |
পরিচিতির ধরন (Type of Identificaton) |
জন্ম নিবন্ধন/জাতিয় পরিচয়পত্র (Birth Registration/NID Number) |
জন্মতারিখ (Date of Birth) |
সম্পর্ক (Relation) |
নাম(বাংলা) [Name(Bangla]
নাম(ইংরেজি)) Name(English)
{{ $rand }}. |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->typeofidentification) && $employee_family_info->typeofidentification == 1)
Birth Registration @elseNID @endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->nid)) {{ $employee_family_info->nid }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->birthday)) {{ $employee_family_info->birthday }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->relation) && (int) $employee_family_info->relation > 0) @if((int) $employee_family_info->relation == 1) Son ( ছেলে ) @elseif((int) $employee_family_info->relation == 2)Daughter ( মেয়ে )@else N/A @endif @endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->name_bangla)) {{ $employee_family_info->name_bangla }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->name_eng)) {{ $employee_family_info->name_eng }}@endif |
নং. (No.) |
প্রতিবন্ধি সন্তানের পরিচিতি নম্বার(Identification Number of Disabled Child) |
জন্মতারিখ (Date of Birth) |
লিঙ্গ (Gender) |
নাম(বাংলা) [Name(Bangla]
নাম(ইংরেজি)) Name(English)
{{ $rand }}. |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->nid)) {{ $employee_family_info->nid }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->birthday)) {{ $employee_family_info->birthday }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->gander) && (int)$employee_family_info->gander > 0) {{ $function->gender()[$employee_family_info->gander][0] }} ({{$function->gender()[$employee_family_info->gander][1]}})@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->name_bangla)) {{ $employee_family_info->name_bangla }}@endif |
@if (isset($employee_family_info->name_bangla)) {{ $employee_family_info->name_eng }}@endif |
{{ $employee->employee_bank_info->account_name }} |
{{ $employee->employee_bank_info->number }} |
@if (isset($employee->employee_bank_info->type) && (int) $employee->employee_bank_info->type > 0) {{ $function->bank_account_type()[(int) $employee->employee_bank_info->type][0] }} @endif |
{{ $employee->employee_bank_info->bank_name }} |
{{ $employee->employee_bank_info->branch }} |
{{ $employee->employee_bank_info->routing }} |
{{ $employee->employee_present_position->post }} |
{{ $employee->employee_present_position->join_date }} |
@if (isset($employee->employee_present_position->grade) && $employee->employee_present_position->grade > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_present_position->grade][0] }} @endif |
@if (isset($employee->employee_present_position->scale) && $employee->employee_present_position->scale > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_present_position->scale][4] }}-{{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_present_position->scale][5] }} @endif |
@if (isset($employee->employee_present_position->class) && $employee->employee_present_position->class > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_class()[(int) $employee->employee_present_position->class][0] }} @endif |
@if (isset($employee->employee_first_joining->working_place) && (int) $employee->employee_first_joining->working_place > 0) {{ $function->name_of_all_landport()[(int) $employee->employee_first_joining->working_place][0] }} @endif |
{{ $employee->employee_first_joining->time }} |
@if (isset($employee->employee_first_joining->grade) && (int) $employee->employee_first_joining->grade > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_first_joining->grade][0] }} @endif |
@if (isset($employee->employee_first_joining->scale) && (int) $employee->employee_first_joining->scale > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_first_joining->scale][4] }}-{{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $employee->employee_first_joining->scale][5] }} @endif |
ধরন (type) |
প্রাপ্তির তারিখ (Date of Getting) |
বেতন গ্রেড (Pav Grade) |
বেতন স্কেল (Pav Scale) |
মূল বেতন (Basic Pay) |
{{ $eph_scale->type }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($eph_scale->date_of_getting)->format('d F, Y') }} |
@if (isset($eph_scale->pay_grade) && (int) $eph_scale->pay_grade > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $eph_scale->pay_grade][0] }} @endif |
@if (isset($eph_scale->pay_scale) && (int) $eph_scale->pay_scale > 0) {{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $eph_scale->pay_scale][4] }}-{{ $function->present_position_present_grade()[(int) $eph_scale->pay_scale][5] }} @endif |
{{ $eph_scale->basic_pay }} |
ধরন (type) |
বরাদ্দ প্রাপ্তির তারিখ (Date of Getting) |
দখল বুঝে পাওয়ার তারিখ (Date of Ownership) |
বাসা ছাড়ার তারিখ (আবাসন অধিঃ ছাড়পত্র অনুযায়ী) (Date of Leaving) |
নির্ধারিত ভাড়ার ক্ষেত্রে প্রদত্ত ভাড়ার পরিমান (Rent) |
{{ $emp_accommodation->type }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_accommodation->date_of_getting)->format('d F, Y') }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_accommodation->date_of_ownership)->format('d F, Y') }} |
{{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_accommodation->date_of_leaving)->format('d F, Y') }} |
{{ $emp_accommodation->rent }} |
{{ $pay_alnc_deduc->taka }} |
{{ $pay_alnc_deduc->taka }} |
@if (isset($employee->employee_gpf->nature) && (int) $employee->employee_gpf->nature > 0) {{ $function->nature_of_provident_fund()[$employee->employee_gpf->nature][0] }}({{ $function->nature_of_provident_fund()[$employee->employee_gpf->nature][1] }})@endif |
{{ $employee->employee_gpf->account_number }} |
{{ $employee->employee_gpf->volume_number }} |
{{ $employee->employee_gpf->latest_page }} |
{{ $employee->employee_gpf->subscription }} |
নং.(No.) | নাম [Name] | মনোনীত ব্যাক্তির পরিচিতি নম্বর [Identification number of nominee (Birth Certificate/NID)] | জন্ম তারিখ (Date of Birth) | সম্পর্ক (Relation) | মনোনীত অংশ ( শতকরা হারে ) [Designated Part (In percentage)] |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | @if ($emp_gpf_nominee->name != null) {{ $emp_gpf_nominee->name }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_gpf_nominee->nid_or_birth_certificate != null) {{ $emp_gpf_nominee->nid_or_birth_certificate }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_gpf_nominee->birth_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_gpf_nominee->birth_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_gpf_nominee->relation != null) {{$function->relations()[$emp_gpf_nominee->relation][1]}} @else N/A @endif | @if ($emp_gpf_nominee->designated_part_percent != null) {{ $emp_gpf_nominee->designated_part_percent }} @else N/A @endif |
নং.(No.) | মঞ্জুরি নম্বর (Sanction Number) | মঞ্জুরি তারিখ (Sanction Date) | মঞ্জুরীকৃত অর্থের পরিমাণ (Sanction Amount) | মোট কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Total number of installment) | কিস্তি পরিশোধ শুরুর তারিখ (Installment starting date) | পরিশোধিত কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of installment paid) | সুদের মোট পরিমাণ (Total interest amount) | সমন্বয়কৃত অর্থের পরিমাণ (Adjusted Amount) | সুদের কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of interest installment) | পরিশোধিত সুদের কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of interest installment Paid) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_number)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_number}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_date)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_date}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_amount)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_total_no_installment)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_total_no_installment}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_installment_starting_date)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_installment_starting_date}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_no_installment_paid)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_no_installment_paid}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_total_interest_amount)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_total_interest_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_adjusted_amount)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_adjusted_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_number_interest_installment)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_number_interest_installment}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($gpf_advance->sanction_number_interest_installment_paid)) {{$gpf_advance->sanction_number_interest_installment_paid}} @else N/A @endif |
নং.(No.) | ঋণের ধরন (Loan Type) | মঞ্জুরি নম্বর (Sanction Number) | মঞ্জুরি তারিখ (Sanction Date) | মঞ্জুরীকৃত অর্থের পরিমাণ (Sanction Amount) | মোট কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Total number of installment) | কিস্তি পরিশোধ শুরুর তারিখ (Installment starting date) | পরিশোধিত কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of installment paid) | সুদের মোট পরিমাণ (Total interest amount) | সমন্বয়কৃত অর্থের পরিমাণ (Adjusted Amount) | সুদের কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of interest installment) | পরিশোধিত সুদের কিস্তির সংখ্যা (Number of interest installment Paid) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. | @if(isset($emp_loan->name)) {{$function->loan_types()[$emp_loan->name][1]}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_number)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_number}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_date)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_date}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_amount)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_total_no_installment)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_total_no_installment}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_installment_starting_date)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_installment_starting_date}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_no_installment_paid)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_no_installment_paid}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_total_interest_amount)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_total_interest_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_adjusted_amount)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_adjusted_amount}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_number_interest_installment)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_number_interest_installment}} @else N/A @endif | @if(isset($emp_loan->sanction_number_interest_installment_paid)) {{$emp_loan->sanction_number_interest_installment_paid}} @else N/A @endif |
ছুটির ধরন (Type of leave)
বেতন প্রকৃতি(পূর্ণ বেতন/অর্ধ বেতন/বিনা বেতন)[Nature of pay(Full pay/half pay/without pay)] |
ছুটির উদ্দেশ্য (Reason for leave)
মঞ্জুরি আদেশ নম্বর (Sanction Number) |
মঞ্জুরি আদেশের তারিখ (Sanction Date)
ছুটি ভোগের সময়কাল (Period of leave availed)
মোট ভোগকৃত ছুটি(দিন)[Total Leave availed (Days)] |
শুরুর তারিখ(Starting Date) |
সমাপ্তির তারিখ(Finishing Date) |
@if ($authorized_leave->type_of_leave != null) {{ $authorized_leave->type_of_leave }}@endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->nature_to_pay != null) {{ $authorized_leave->nature_to_pay }}@endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->reason != null) {{ $authorized_leave->reason }}@endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->sanction != null) {{ $authorized_leave->sanction }}@endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->sanction_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($authorized_leave->sanction_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->start_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($authorized_leave->start_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->end_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($authorized_leave->end_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($authorized_leave->total_leave_availed != null) {{ $authorized_leave->total_leave_availed }}@endif |
@if ($employee->employee_leave_lien != null)
লিয়েন কালিন প্রতিষ্ঠান (Organization during lien)
মঞ্জুরি আদেশ নম্বর (Sanction Number)
মঞ্জুরি আদেশের তারিখ (Sanction Date)
সময়কাল (Time Period)
মোট সময়কাল(দিন)[Total Time period (Days)] |
লিভ স্যালারি কন্ট্রিবিউশন (মাসিক হার)[Leave salary contribution (Monthly rate)] |
শুরুর তারিখ(Starting Date) |
সমাপ্তির তারিখ(Finishing Date) |
@if ($lien->organization != null) {{ $lien->organization }}@endif |
@if ($lien->sanction != null) {{ $lien->sanction }}@endif |
@if ($lien->sanction_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lien->sanction_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($lien->start_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lien->start_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($lien->end_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($lien->end_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($lien->total_period != null) {{ $lien->total_period }}@endif |
@if ($lien->leave_salary_contribution != null) {{ $lien->leave_salary_contribution }}@endif |
দণ্ডের প্রকৃতি (Nature of Penalty)
দণ্ডের ধরন (Type of Penalty)
আদেশ নম্বর
আদেশের তারিখ(Order Date) |
সময়কাল (Time Period)
শাস্তির আদেশের আলোকে পুনঃনির্ধারিত বেতন (Readjusted Salary on basis of Disciplinary action taken) |
মন্তব্য (Comment) |
শুরুর তারিখ(Starting Date) |
সমাপ্তির তারিখ(Finishing Date) |
@if ($emp_des_action->nature_of_penalty != null) {{$function->disciplinary_action_type()[$emp_des_action->nature_of_penalty][1]}} @else N/A @endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->type_of_penalty != null) {{$function->disciplinary_action_type_name()[$emp_des_action->type_of_penalty][1]}} @else N/A @endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->order_number != null) {{ $emp_des_action->order_number }}@endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->order_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_des_action->order_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->start_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_des_action->start_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->end_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_des_action->end_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->requested_salary != null) {{ $emp_des_action->requested_salary }}@endif |
@if ($emp_des_action->comment != null) {{ $emp_des_action->comment }}@endif |
নং. (No.) |
নাম (বাংলা) [Name (Bangla)] |
মনোনীত ব্যক্তির পরিচিতি নম্বর (জন্ম নিবন্ধন/জাতীয় পরিচয়পত্র নম্বর) [Identification number of nominee ( Birth Registration / National ID number)] |
জন্ম তারিখ (Date of Birth) |
সম্পর্ক (Relation) |
বৈবাহিক অবস্থা (Marital Status) |
প্রতিবন্ধি অবস্থা (Disability Status) |
মনোনীত অংশ (শতকরা হারে)[Designated part (in percentage)] |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->name != null) {{ $emp_pension_nominee->name }}@endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->nid_or_birth_certificate != null) {{ $emp_pension_nominee->nid_or_birth_certificate }}@endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->birth_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($emp_pension_nominee->birth_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->relation != null) {{$function->relations()[$emp_pension_nominee->relation][1]}} @endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->marital_status != null) {{ $function->marital_status()[$emp_pension_nominee->marital_status][0] }}({{ $function->marital_status()[$emp_pension_nominee->marital_status][1] }}) @endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->disability != null) {{ $emp_pension_nominee->disability }}@endif |
@if ($emp_pension_nominee->designated_part_percent != null) {{ $emp_pension_nominee->designated_part_percent }}@endif |
নং. (No.) |
শ্রান্তি বিনোদন শুরুর সময় ( From ) |
শ্রান্তি বিনোদন শেষ হবার সময় ( To ) |
আদেশ নম্বর ( Sanction Number ) |
আদেশের তারিখ ( Sanction date ) |
{{ $key + 1 }}. |
@if ($rest_and_recreation->from_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($rest_and_recreation->from_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($rest_and_recreation->to_date != null) {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($rest_and_recreation->to_date)->format('d F, Y') }} @endif |
@if ($rest_and_recreation->sanction_number != null) {{ $rest_and_recreation->sanction_number }}@endif |
@if ($rest_and_recreation->sanction_date != null) {{ $rest_and_recreation->sanction_date }}@endif |
@endif @endsection {{-- Scripts Section --}} @section('scripts') @endsection