Hospitals with low amount of assets:
@forelse($dangerStock as $hospital)
@if(count($hospital->invoices) > 0)
{{ $hospital->name }}
@foreach ($hospital->invoices as $invoice)
- {{ $invoice->asset->name . ': ' . $invoice->current_invoice }} left
There are no danger in invoice yet.
Changes in the amounts for last 24 hours:
@if(count($transactions) > 0)
Hospital |
Asset |
Items of transactions |
Items left |
@foreach($transactions as $transaction)
@if($loop->index == 10)
{{ $transaction->team->name }} |
{{ $transaction->asset->name }} |
{{ $transaction->sum }} |
{{ $transaction->current_invoice }} |
@if(count($transactions) > 10)
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No transactions were made during last 24 hours.